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K-4th Assignment #4

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful break and were able to go out and enjoy the amazing weather we had.

But now... Back to work!

For this week's assignment, we will be using found materials to create a Toilet Paper Tube OCTOPUS - They are kinda the most adorable things I've ever seen!


- Toilet Paper Tube

- Markers

- Scissors


- Colored Construction Paper

- Googly Eyes

- Paint

- Glitter

* If you wish to paint your Toilet Paper Tube Octopus then you will need to let it dry before moving onto the next step.

1. Color your octopus with markers (you may also glue on construction paper or paint the tube depending on your materials at home).

2. Use scissors to cut from the bottom to about half way up the toilet paper tube.

3. Use a pencil or a marker to roll each leg around so the legs hold their shape. This will take some time so please be patient.

4. Add details to your octopus. You may add a face, designs, patterns, glitter, etc. Have fun!

5. Show me what you made! Don't forget to send me a picture of your lovely little creature.

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